Thursday, March 10, 2011


              Hip-Hop is a form of music that when you listen to hip-hop, the rhythms get in your muscles, making our legs jump an our toes tap in time. If you turn the music up loud enough, and you'll feel as though even the blood in your veins is pumping to the beat. Hip-Hip -Hop is America's very own music, a unique art form produced by mixture of cultures brought togeter, one way or another.Today, the formal features of Hip-Hop are successfully used to communicate a myriad of messages and to sell products which profitably, ethically, and unethically target the masses of young people. The understanding of Hip-Hop and its influence within popular culture has proven to be very effective for influencing behavioral choices and drawing the attention of young people to various subject areas. An exploration of Hip-Hop music (particularly Rap music) will show that youth of various races and ethnic groups are purchasing the music to significant degrees. Research indicates that White American teens continue to purchase Rap in larger numbers than do their African-American counterparts. “More than 70 percent of Hip-Hop albums are purchased by Whites,”11 all of whom contribute to the fact that the music is now a billion dollar industry.1 2
Rap Music continues to lead the way in album sales growth when compared to other music genres (e.g., R & B, Country, Alternative). According to Byran Turner, President and CEO of rap album sales shot up 32 percent in just 12 months, breaking the 80 million-album-a-year mark for the first time. That jump makes for the largest single-year gain by any genre since SoundScan began collecting sales data eight years ago.”13
Hirschorn, past editor of Spin music magazine, compares Hip-Hop and rock music sales data. He supports the argument that “the energy now days is in Hip-Hop” and contends that:
When Hip-Hop albums as strong as Lauryn Hill’s or Outcast’s sell as well as they did, it’s hard to argue about the quality. The question is whether Rock is going to lose a whole generation of young listeners, who are naturally gravitating to Hip-Hop now.14
Hip-Hop’s pervasive influence within the fashion, film, television, and industries clearly show the culture as one of choice for many of America’s youth. It is a culture that must not be ignored because of its mainstay status within the American mainstream. It is a culture whose elements must be explored as a useful contextual backdrop for effective communication.
Hip-Hop Fashion (Book)

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